DraftKings, Others Scrambling To Find Betting Lines

DraftKings Looking for Lines
  • As the coronavirus shuts down all major sports, DraftKings is looking for betting lines to offer customers.
  • They are now listing odds for Russian table tennis and Belarus soccer and hockey.

BOSTON - As the coronavirus pandemic continues worldwide, almost all major sports leagues around the world have been put on hiatus. With that, DraftKings Sportsbook has been scrambling to find betting lines to offer their bettors. The result is seeing non-traditional sports and leagues taking center stage.


DraftKings is only one example of every online sportsbook struggling to find betting lines to offer to their sports bettors.

“This is a strange time - We’ve never been in a position like thus where the entire world was shut down,” said Johnny Avello, the head of DraftKings Sportsbooks.

The sports hiatus came at an inconvenient time for DraftKings as they are expected to become a publicly-traded company later this week. It also came just before the start of the NCAA’s March Madness tournament. The college basketball event is the highest time of business for the sports betting industry.

DraftKings isn’t left entirely without anything though. They have listed betting lines for both soccer and hockey which are still being played in Belarus as well as Russian table tennis.

“It’s one of those sports where, as an oddsmaker, you will make your talent better as you continue to do it— It’s the same for the bettors. As you bet it, you get better at it because you get to know the players and rules better,” said Avello.

Johnny Avello expressed that his feelings are nothing less than thankful that these few sports are available for people to enjoy watching and legally gamble on. While there is a steep learning curve for American bettors, these sports present an interesting challenge for sharps and rookies alike.

These sports take place often which gives sports bettors something to wager on almost everyday. Along with these international events, sports bettors are starting to see more betting lines on TV shows, esports, and political events.